Kasey Jordan, BA English & Journalism, MA- Professional Writing

Kasey Jordan was a founding member of Siblings Forever in 2007, serving as a camp counselor at the 2008 and 2009 camps. She served as chair of the fundraising and camper recruitment committee until 2012. For the past decade, Kasey has been the resident cake decorator, designing and decorating the birthday cakes at camp each year for our campers. Two of her children have served as camp counselors, and the others now join her in the cake decorating endeavor. Kasey also initiated the Cake for Kids program, holding birthday parties during the year for former campers and other children in care. Kasey has a passion for reuniting siblings as a way to form stronger relationships in their lives to help them as they age out of the system and navigate their way through life with the support of their siblings and volunteers from Siblings Forever. In 2020 she stepped into the role of Project Manager, acting as Executive Director and has enjoyed creating new projects and events since that time. She also serves as the Family Connections Committee Chair and Holiday Camp Co-Director.
Kasey also serves as Director of High School Faith Formation at her Catholic parish, and has eight children with her husband Kurt, who is retired from the US Navy. They reside in Monticello, GA.